Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Monday

I had high hopes for today.  I even had a little list written out on the whiteboard on my refrigerator.  The day started out well because I woke up with a new tattoo (that sounded like someone did it to me in my sleep).


I had a test this morning and was planning on coming home, eating lunch, working out, putting laundry away/putting clean sheets on the bed, making dinner, doing some stuff for work, and cleaning some silver jewelry that's gotten really tarnished 

Actually, now that I'm looking at this, I did everything on the list except for working out.  Ha!  Maybe I thought I did less because I didn't work out and that made me feel bad about myself?  It's just hard for me to be motivated when Monday is the only day of the week that I have a good chunk of time to do nothing.  So instead of working out, I watched Hoarders, went to Trader Joe's, and baked cookies.  That's a pretty good trade off, I'd say.

For dinner I made a salad with baby romaine, baby spinach, Gorgonzola cheese, dried cranberries, candied walnuts, and green apple.  I whipped up a little oil/vinegar/mustard dressing to go with it.  For the cookies I made the same tea cakes I made a few weeks ago and froze half the dough for the next time I have a craving.

If you're eating by yourself, you might as well make it pretty.

As far as the test goes, I got an 82%.  That is above the average for the class, but not as good as the A I pulled last time.  However, I probably put in a total of 5 hours of study time... so the 82 is fine.  Oh yea, about that "be a better studier" resolution... Well, next time.

Overall, it was a good day- minus the fact that Matt is working and I've been alone at the apartment.  Boring!

Basically any day that I successfully wrangle a fitted sheet is a good day, let's be honest.

Off to enjoy some tea, a tea cake (or 3) and The Voice!

1 comment:

  1. 5 hours? For one of my kids, who seem to have gotten their distracted/procrastination gene from their father, that is a lot!

    Salad looks yummy and I ran for both of us. Well, actually if that is true .. you only ran 2 miles today. Better than nothing!

    Love you and love the tattoo.
