Sunday, January 1, 2012

First Post Ever

Well, I guess I'm doing a blog.  January is always a good time to try new things.

I have decided to take this leap at the convincing of one of my best pals.  She feels that others might like to hear about my life... I'm not so sure about that, but I will agree with her that I do have a lot going on. Being in nursing school alone is reason enough to have a sort of journal to jot down my thoughts about the triumphs and tribulations of this challenging time.  Mostly tribulations.  Actually, I shouldn't say that. A lot of times it's really great.  See these conflicting thoughts and feelings?  Maybe that's why I need a blog... Straighten out my mind a little bit.

Anyway, I thought it would be nice to have a place to a. journal some things about school, and b. talk about things not related to school at all.  I guess that's where the title comes in... I want to write about the things that "awake my soul." Yea, that's corny, but I don't really care.  "Awake My Soul" is the title of one of my favorite songs by Mumford and Sons.  It's really great.  You should listen to it.

I also thought that a blog would be a better use of time than trolling around Pinterest and Facebook.  When I don't have some sort of school thing to be doing, it's so easy to just turn on the tv, grab the computer, shlink around, and waste my life away.  I love Pinterest (I've even started planning a post about the wonders of Pinterest) and it's so easy to keep clicking "see more pins" for a good hour at a time.  I'm hoping that if I have a goal of at least 1 blog post per week, it might deter me from other, um, more wasteful activities.

Well, that about covers it!  It is really unlike me to do something like this, but it's a new year and I have some new goals (more about those goals later).

I will be writing, so if you want to read, feel free.  And don't be a creeper... if you follow along, leave a comment once in a while!


  1. Hehe, you lil blogger you! This is my attempt to not be a creeper :)

  2. Oh, my first comment! How exciting. Thanks for not being creepy. I have been creeping on you, so I will stop.

  3. Ooo I like this! I'm gonna shlink on your blog...

  4. Ummm why does it say my name is Ro and mike? Weird...

  5. It looks like it's because you apparently had a blog called "Wing to Wing and Oar to Oar" ???
